E-house and containerization


Gregori combines its experience in electrical, IT and mechanical infrastructures to offer containerized solutions tailored to the customers’ needs, regardless of their complexity or their modularity. We integrate systems in a commercial sized container or in several container modules.
The available sizes comply with ISO standards, they can be 10’, 20’ and 40’ in standard Dry. We also have high cube containers.
We have a construction and assembly department no matter where you are. We also have modular systems that are portable and ready to be used anywhere in the world.
These are plug and play solutions:

Energy and control:

• E-Houses: transformer stations, BESS (Battery energy storage system), buildings and control centers for power plants (generation)
• Power plant auxiliary buildings : housing modules, staff room, warehouses, wc, and other auxiliaries
• TServer rooms and other IT equipment. Equipped with energy systems and raised technical floors

Containerized industrial processes:

Complete plug and play systems, including piping, electromechanical assembly, procurement process and equipment construction. EPC delivery.


Custom-built modular buildings installed on site.




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El ensayo de penetración estática permite determinar de forma continua la presión necesaria para introducir el cono, el rozamiento lateral y la presión de poro. Con estos parámetros es posible determinar y caracterizar los tipos de suelos presentes en el subsuelo de forma continua.
Los elementos son depositados en el fondo marino desde el buque sísmico mediante una grúa y sus correspondientes cables de acero, así como son controlados desde a bordo.


• Chasis de acero al carbono de alta resistencia y gran estabilidad.
• Pintado mediante sistema de pintura en polvo, recubrimiento termoestable exento de disolventes, obteniéndose un revestimiento de alta calidad.
• Sistema vibratorio mediante un Vibrador eléctrico externos, consiste en un motor eléctrico alojado en una robusta carcasa en fundición, con pesos excéntricos colocados en ambos extremos del eje.
• Robusto sistema de sujeción de la lanza. Regulable en posición y ligero.
• Motor accionado mediante variador de frecuencia. Permite regular la velocidad del motor de una manera sencilla y cómoda. Máxima eficiencia y control del proceso de simulación de la vibración de la lanza.
• Panel de control de fácil acceso y maniobra. Ciclos de trabajo configurables.
• Alimentación a 230v ac 50-60hz.Cuenta con dos fuentes de alimentación de salida, 24v y 15v dc


Outstanding features:
Umbilical cable weight: 1.1-1.2 kg/m
Maximum traction force 11kn (first layer)
General dimensions (approx. 2000 x 1700 x 2000 mm)
Helicoidal gear box
8 ISO 1161:1984 corner castings with rotating lock
Working load limit with 4 lifting points.


• Entirely constructed from AISI 316 steel. Robust design.
• Fitted with a high performance manual pressure pump (100 bar).
• Compatible with all CPT lance manufacturers on the market.
•The test fluid works in a closed circuit, without any leakage possibilities.
• Transportable in a strong duralumin case (included).
• Environmentally friendly since it does not require any oils or other pollutants.


Mobile maritime laboratories are used to carry out the on-site study of the parameters collected by CPT equipment. Recorded signals undergo specialized processing and interpretation to obtain understandable information about the subsoil.
The modular design of the container allows us to adapt it to the most demanding customer needs during manufacture.


Seismic sources can provide individual pulses, generating seismic waves that travel through a medium such as water or rock layers. Some of the waves are reflected, refracted and recorded by receivers, such as geophones or hydrophones. These sensors, in the form of a lance, are nailed to the subsoil by drilling equipment.